Company name Tactile Mobility

The product Crowed-sourced, real-time pavements mapping Website

Tactile Mobility gathers and analyzes data drawn from existing on-board municipal vehicle sensors. This turns every municipal vehicle into a probe that “feels” the road, maps road friction and pinpoints hazards – then sends this data securely to the cloud.

Tactile Mobility cloud correlates and analyzes vehicle-generated data using advanced AI-powered algorithms. The system then generates actionable and updated road insights that maximize road safety, focus maintenance and upkeep efforts and identify critical wear-and-tear trends. We call these insights SurfaceDNA™ and they enable:

  • An objective road quality score for each road traveled by municipal vehicles – along with an overall segmented city road quality score (per segment)
  • Reports of road damage – cracks, potholes, bumps, and more – including severity and GPS-resolution location
  • Timely alerts of road hazards such as oil spills, puddles, ice and other weather-related hazards – including severity and GPS-location
  • Long term insights, analyses and road quality trends

The solution is deployed in Haifa, Singapore, Detroit, Yorkshire, Berlin, Hamburg.